The Culture of Norway

A website about the various cultural aspects of Norway, made by Calvin Schwickerath


About the sport of Bandy

What is Bandy?

Bandy is a sport similar to ice hockey in that they are both played on ice with skates, sticks, and a ball. There are more than 1 million players today and is a sport recognized by the International Olympic Committee.

Where did it come from?

It's origin is not fully known, but it's rules were first published in England in 1882.

It is mostly played in Russia, Sweden, Finland, and Norway, and it has it's own Federation of International Bandy, which was founded by Norway, Finland, and Sweden.

Is it folk or pop culture?

Bandy was Folk culture, but recently changed to Pop culture.


Bandy diffused through relocation, some people who enjoyed the sport moved and brought Bandy with them.